Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Facebook Contest!

I have a contest on Facebook right now.  Check it out!
Anona Adams Photography (http://www.facebook.com/AnonaAdamsPhotography) is giving away a FREE mini session once we hit 100 likes! Everyone who likes (and has liked) my page will be entered.

Earn another entry in the draw by putting a link... to www.anonadamsphotography.com on your page, then come back to Anona Adams Photography and write "I posted!" on my wall.

Another entry is having your friends like my page (have them come to my page and write on my wall saying) "(your name) sent me here!".

Good luck everyone. Contest will go on till we have 100 "likes"!!
 This year I am going to really try and advertise myself.  Before this year I just did by word of mouth but I really want to expand my photography so this is the beginning!!
Thank you everyone for all your support, especially my lovely clients over the years, I am what I am today because of all of you!  Good luck everyone!

High River Swim Club

I had a great time last week doing pictures for the High River Swimming Club.  This is my second time taking pictures of the Tigers and again, what a pleasure.  I don't have any pictures to post on here but it certainly was a great time.  I can't wait to get your posters done up and sent back!  Hope you guys are enjoying your online proof album;)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Leavitt Family {Mini Session}

 Here is your sneak peak Leavitt Family, I hope you enjoy.  I had such a great time taking pictures of your beautiful family!!!!  Please share with your family!